


November 11, 2024
min read
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Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the integration of your transaction data with Morescope if you are using Xledger as your ERP provider.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Retrive API Token from Xledger

Go to and log in to follow the guide.

  1. Navigate to Administration
  2. Select Tilgangskontroll
  3. Select GraphQL
  4. Click on API Tokens

NB: If GraphQl alternative is not available, you need to activate it. Go to Supportdesk and ask for them to activate the GraphQL functionality

5. Click “Generate new token”

6. Fill in desired name, e.g. “Morescope API Token”

7. Check “Common” and “General Ledger”. This gives the Morescope Application access to the required fields in Xledger.

8. Click Generate Token

  1. Store the Key somewhere safe. You will need it later.

Step 2: Setup Connection inside MoreScope Application

  1. Navigate to “Data” in the left side menu
Navigate to Data
  1. Navigate to the "Integrations"-tab
  2. Click "Set up integration"
  1. Insert your Xledger “Client Key” from step 8
  2. Click “Authenticate and activate integration”
  3. /7. After clicking the button a check is made to see that the credentials given are correct. You should see a popup and the card saying “Authenticating credentials"
  1. When the authentication is finished (usually takes about 30 seconds) you will se the card change to "Verified Credentials"
  1. You will also get a popup in the top right saying that the authentication was completed.

If you already created the inventory, skip steps 10 - 15

  1. Navigate to GHG Emissions
  1. Click “New Annual Inventory”
  1. Select the year you want the inventory for
  1. Select Xledger as the accounting software you want to use.
  2. Create Inventory. Your Transactions will automatically be fetched.

Congratulations. You are integrated!

If you have already followed steps 10 - 14 you can skip the rest of this guide.

  1. ”Navigate to “GHG Emissions”
  2. Click on the inventory you want to use the integration with and move to "Transactions"
  3. Click on the toggle button for your integration
  4. Click confirm. The fetching of data for the year will start.

Congratulations. You are integrated!

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