This summer, we have implemented the EU corporatesustainability reporting directive into Norwegian law. The sustainabilitydirective gives guidelines for what and how businesses should report theirimpact on the environment and how the environment affects their operations. Oneof the first steps in this process is to gain an overview of their CO2emissions, in other words, to establish a complete GHG inventory.
"We got to know Sven and Aider during a presentation.We liked their approach, and it felt natural for us to work with them and theirpartner Morescope to start our sustainability efforts and establish a carbonaccounting," says Grethe Larssen, head of finance at AMV, "theprocess has been good and efficient, and we have gained a tool that has enabledus to uncover our value chain emissions at a granular level. We look forward toactively using the platform going forward."
"The process has been good and efficient, and we havegained a tool that has enabled us to uncover our value chain emissions at agranular level. We look forward to actively using the platform goingforward." - Grethe Larssen, head of finance at AMV
One of the challenges you often encounter when setting up aGHG inventory is the availability and quality of data. This is an areawhere Morescope's solution, developed in collaboration with Sintef, trulyexcels.
Morescope first provides a quick estimate of your emissionsusing your transaction data. Following this, you can input changes where youhave more accurate figures (activity data) from your own operations, suppliers,or partners.
If the company has product data Morescope automaticallyincorporates this. The result is that you can quickly and easily establish aGHG inventory in accordance with the GHG Protocol, providing granularinsights to help reduce emissions.
"In this case, AMV had much better access to data thanwe are used to. It's not often that we encounter a client who has detailed datadown to the number of screws at the inventory level! This put some extrapressure on both us and Morescope, but we were able to implement a solutionthat was very good and met their desire to use all the data they had down tothe product level," says Sven Østebø at Aider.
"It’s great to work with clients who are motivatedto make use of their existing data and truly take advantage of the hybridfunctionality in our system!" – Sophie Bruusgaard Jewett, CEO &Co-founder of MoreScope.
Once you have established your carbon accounting, the nextstep is often to work on reducing emissions. This is also an area that thesystem provides strong support. Morescope enables businesses to set targets inline with the Paris Agreement and Science Based Targets. Equally important isthat the entire report can be utilized in the sustainability report inaccordance with the EU sustainability directive.
"An exciting feature in Morescope that AMV haven'thad the chance to implement yet is the avoided emissions module. In this moduleAMV can calculate the climate impact of projects before they start, therebygaining an even better basis for decision-making on which solutions to chooseand winning contracts in the future!" – Sven Østebø, Head ofSustainability at Aider.
Having control over your emissions is an important part ofmaintaining competitive advantage moving forward. This applies both in thecorporate market and, for example, in public tender processes, where climateand environmental factors are now weighted at a minimum of 30%. Gaining theinsight and start reducing your emissions are the first steps in this journey.