Table of Contents
1. Log in to your Unimicro account and navigate to “Markedsplass ->Integrasjoner”
2. In the search bar - “søk”, type “MoreScope”.
3. Click on the “Les Mer” which will give you additional information about the application which you can read before integrating with your system.
4. After carefully reading the description, click on “Aktiver integrasjon” which will activate the MoreScope AS application and enable it access to your accounting information needed for our calculations.
5. You can check if MoreScope AS is listed under yours integrations after installing the application, by simply clicking on “Markedsplass ->Integrasjoner” again, where you should see MoreScope AS as “Aktiv”. [optional note for us: we can set the installation to pending to let me customer notify us that they installed the application on an email so we can enable it. In that case, the app status for the customer would be “Avventer”].
Option 1:
1. Access the “Systeminformasjon” tab visible on the screenshot below.
Note: If you do not see the “Systeminformasjon” as an option, you do not have sufficient privileges to complete the integration. Please reach out to your administrator.
2. Copy the value called “Selskapsidentifikator” which will be your API integration token between MoreScope and Unimicro platform.
Option 2:
1. Navigate to “Data” in the left side menu.
2. Navigate to the "Integrations"-tab
3. Choose Unimicro - "Set up integration"
Note: To ensure you select the correct platform from the dropdown list, please check the web address (URL) you use to access your platform or where you installed the app.
Below is a table that maps the platform domains to the corresponding dropdown options.
Platform - Domain
Unimicro -
Unimicro SMB -
Eika Regnskap -
Azets Complete -
DNB Regnskap -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - SR-Bank -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Østlandet -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - SørØst -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Nord-Norge -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Hallingdal Valdres -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - NordMøre -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Østfold Akershus -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Ringerike Hadeland -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Gudbrandsdal -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Søre Sunnmøre -
Sparebank 1 Regnskap - Lom og Skjåk -
5. Click on the “Authenticate and Activate Integration” button, after which you should see a notification:
6. After a short time, you should receive a notification if the integration setup was successful and you should see the list of your active integrations:
7. Congratulations, you have successfully integrated your Unimicro account with MoreScope. You can now navigate to the CO2 GHG Emissions tab and create your first inventory