
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the integration to Elhub to get your electricity consumption automatically in MoreScope.

Elhub integration

December 20, 2024
min read
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With the Elhub integration, you will get your electricity consumption automatically to your Scope 2 on a daily basis! This streamlines your manual work on gathering an important data foundation for your carbon accounting. If you do not use district heating, this integration automates your entire Scope 2! (District heating is easy to enter as well though)

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the integration to Elhub to get your electricity consumption automatically in Morescope.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Request the integration

1. In Morescope, go to Data / Integrations and locate the Elhub integration. Click "Set up integration".

2. If you haven't added your organisation number yet, you will be asked about this now.

3. Read and accept the terms for the integration.

4. We will now need to locate your electricity meters. Wait until we come back to you.


Step 2: Give MoreScope access to your electricity meter(s) in Elhub

To do this step you either need to be the CEO of the company, or have the role as "Energi, Miljø og Klima" in Norwegian Altinn. A company official can add you to this role in Altinn, under "Profil".

1. Log in to Elhub account with BankID, and you should see there are new Third Party request(s) from Morescope under "Forespørsler"

2. Accept the request(s), giving us access to read the consumption on each electricity meter(s)

Step 3: Set up the integration in Morescope

Now we have access to your electricity consumption, you may decide where this data should be linked to.

1. Under "Scope 2" in any of your GHG Inventories, create a new emission source in "2.1 Purchased electricity"

2. You will now see the button "Select electricity meters"

3. Select the electricity meters you want to sync to each emission factor and click "Add meters to emission source"

Now the consumption on each meter will update automatically, on daily basis!

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